Why I Created This Website

boys in nature

We live in crazy, unprecedented times. Schools are scrambling to figure out this complex problem of how to re-open with this Covid-19 crisis. People are divided and passionate about their beliefs of how to open and what it should look like. Parents are trying to figure out how to choose the best education for their children.

I’ve been homeschooling my three boys since my oldest started preschool (9 years now). Recently I’ve had parents approach me and ask how to start homeschooling because they are displeased with the way e-learning went and they don’t want a repeat of that in the fall. I hear them. That was a tough situation.

So I decided to create this website to share what homeschooling is like and to empower and encourage those of you who would like to start the journey of homeschooling. Homeschooling truly can be joyful!

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