6 Goals For My Children

a goal sheet with pen

I’ve heard many talk about the importance of setting goals... personal goals, financial goals, spiritual goals, health goals etc. What about goals for our children? What are we aiming for in raising our children?

So I’ve given it some thought and prayer. Here are some of mine:

  1. That they would love the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart, mind, soul and strength
  2. That they would love their neighbor as themselves
  3. That they would have a teachable heart
  4. That they would love to learn
  5. That they would serve God and others
  6. That they would learn to have self restraint

Obviously some of these goals I can’t force on them. God needs to work in their heart to accomplish these. But we can provide an environment that will help cultivate these things.

Home. It should be a safe place. A cozy environment where they know they are loved, unconditionally….as much as humans can. It should be a healthy place where relationships are worked on and forgiveness is given and received by all in the home. I want our home to reflect God and his nature.

Lucy Swindoll once said we are like mirror fragments, reflecting to the world the brightness of the Son. I want that to be true of me and to be true of all my children.

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